
您的位置: 首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 裝盒機 > 高速裝盒機 > XWZ-300全自動(dòng)高速連續式裝盒機


簡(jiǎn)要描述:XWZ-300全自動(dòng)高速連續式裝盒機 ,連續式裝盒機,裝盒速度可達300盒/分鐘,是內相對進(jìn)的裝盒設備。

  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-09-29
  • 瀏覽次數:26992


XWZ300高速裝盒機*采用陽(yáng)臺式結構設計,創(chuàng )新緊湊的設計和人機工程學(xué)的構造讓操作人員可以zui大限度地接近設備并進(jìn)行清潔,整機陽(yáng)臺式懸空構造,機器運行中散落臟物,將從懸空縫中掉落在機器下邊統一收集處,方便清理,且全機身不銹鋼包裹,封閉式電路、氣路構造,使得該機器更具人性化設計,驅動(dòng)裝置位于機器后部,在操作者一側*開(kāi)放,符合GMP要求,非常便于操作。創(chuàng )新緊湊的設計和人機工程學(xué)的構造讓操作人員可以zui大限度地接近設備并進(jìn)行清潔,所有操作簡(jiǎn)便易行。


發(fā)明號:ZL 201010213996.6

(Invention Patent NO.)

XWZ300是全自動(dòng)連續式高速裝盒機。該產(chǎn)品采用PLC可編程序控制器,人機界面操作,變頻調速與機、電、光一體化控制技術(shù)進(jìn)行創(chuàng )新設計。*符合GMP要求,該機由折紙機,紙盒包裝機等部分組成,該機的開(kāi)盒頭旋轉一周可以打開(kāi)3個(gè)盒子,全自動(dòng)高速連續式裝盒機zui高速度可達300盒/分鐘。我公司設計的旋轉吸盒裝置*,達到水平。


XWZ300 Automatic High Speed Carton Package Machine is a continuous operating automatic horizontal type cartoning machine. It adopts PLC, Human Machine Interface, creative designs the speed adjustment technology and the automatic controlling technology of integration of machine, electricity and light. Totally conforms with GMP requirements. The machine is composed of paperfolding machine and carton packing machine,etc. Its box opening head can open 3 boxes each revolve, the highest speed can reach 300 cartons/min. The revolving box suction device designed by our company fills the domestic market blank, it reaches international advanced level. The machine is suitable for packing soft tubes, blister strips and bottle shape products. To connect other equipment, it also has several relevant connecting devices matching different type products.


Subverts domestic traditional batch-type design principle, adopts international advanced chain-type continuous operating new construction, improves the product’s function and production efficiency.


3 suction heads revolve to suck box, erect box, place box in one step and put boxes uprightly into the chain-type grid belt of the cartoning machine.


Equipped with on-line technology interface, establishes a new production mode mainly on automatic production line supplemented by single machine independent utility, fully embodies the superiority of the products.


Not only suitable for mass production of single variety product, but also for small amount production of multiple varieties products.

主要技術(shù)參數:Main Technical Parameter

裝盒速度Capacity(Cartons//min)                           100-300盒/分鐘

紙盒尺寸范圍(mm)                 (70-190)×(35-75)×(15-70)

包裝材料           Box dimension(L×W×H)

Packing material      材質(zhì)(g/㎡)                         300-350                  

Cardboard of box required

說(shuō)明書(shū)尺寸范圍Leaflet dimension(L×W)                 (100-260)×(100-160)

材質(zhì)Leaflet pap required(g/㎡)                          50~70

潔凈壓縮空氣(壓力)Clean  compressed air(pressure)(Mpa)   0.5~0.7Mpa

耗氣量(空壓機)Air consumption( m³/min)                    ≥0.3

電能耗power(mm)                                       AC380V 50HZ 5KW

外形尺寸Overall dimension (L×W×H)                     4500×1450×1700

凈重(kg)Net Weight                                      3000





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